Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Discursive Essay on Abortion - 551 Words
Discursive Essay on Abortion Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy. If a woman falls pregnant and she does not wish to go through with the pregnancy then she may choose to have an abortion. Abortion is a controversial issue, some people say it is ok to abort a baby but others are strongly against it. Sometimes people are against it because they believe it is wrong but some are against it because of their religion, their background and their up-bringing. People who are for abortion may have had one and therefore think it is ok or they may know someone who has had one. In this essay I will discuss the arguments for and the arguments against abortion. An argument in favour of abortion†¦show more content†¦The girl also may have to leave school for a little while to take care of the baby which would make her fall behind on a lot of school work. She may have the pregnancy terminated because she may have wanted to go to college or university to study further. I feel that she should have the chance to live her life and be free without having any major responsibilities, like having to look after a baby. However, even though a woman may have a perfectly good reason to have an abortion she would still be killing a human life. Some women think they are doing the right thing at the time but when it comes to a later stage in life, many of them can regret their decisions. It would probably be at the back of their mind- they would think about it when they got the chance to. They would probably think how their lives would be different if they had had the baby. Furthermore, there are many people in the world that cannot conceive for many different reasons and would do anything for a child, therefore they would adopt. Instead of a woman having a termination because she think she is unable to cope then she could have the baby and then put it up for adoption. Sometimes in these situations women have the baby and they often change their mind about having the baby put up forShow MoreRelatedDiscursive Essay- Abortion639 Words  | 3 PagesAbortion Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy. If a woman falls pregnant and does not wish to go through with the pregnancy then she might choose to have an abortion. Abortion is a moral issue which people have many different feelings towards. Some people say it is okay to abort a baby but other individuals are strongly against it and consider abortions as murder. Sometimes people are against it because they believe it is wrong but some are against it because of their religion, their backgroundRead MoreParents Responsibility1022 Words  | 5 PagesThis WebQuest is a follow-up lesson to consolidate what you have learnt about writing an argumentative essay. There are 2 components to this assignment: the Essay component and the Reflection component. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
Sci 275 Week 8 Assignment Energy Resource Plan Free Essays
Water Resource Plan Written by EMMANUEL MCCLAIN Axia University of Phoenix SCI 275 Instructor TED BREWSTER Eutrophication is the depletion of oxygen in an aquatic ecosystem. Eutrophication occurs when a body of water enriched with excess nutrients, nitrogen and phosphorus from dead plant material and waste. Nitrogen pollution largely derived from agricultural fertilizers and emissions from the combustion of fossil fuels. We will write a custom essay sample on Sci 275 Week 8 Assignment Energy Resource Plan or any similar topic only for you Order Now Phosphorus pollution comes from wastewater treatment and detergents. These elements and compounds make their way to coastal areas through the drainage networks of rivers and streams. This nutrient and phosphorus mix results in increased algae growth that makes water cloudy and unhealthy. There are two ways for eutrophication to occur; the first is artificial eutrophication through the release of sewage, fertilizers and grey water into natural waterways. The second occurs is naturally occurring over lakes and tributaries that flood and pick up dead vegetation, cattle manure and fertilizer. This can lead to loss of biodiversity, global warming, and pollution of drinking water, fish kills, acid rain, and ozone depletion. However, the main culprit behind human caused eutrophication is the phosphorus released from sewage, septic systems and fertilizers. This point source pollution enriches the water and causes a buildup of algae and cyanobacteria in the ecosystem. The process of photosynthesis then starts as the begin feeding on the nitrogen and phosphorus enriched environment leading to murky and hard to see through water this is a sign of eutrophication. My sustainability plan is to educate others on the causes of eutrophication and the effects it has on ecosystems. Increasing awareness will allow many to pinpoint possible sources and causes of eutrophication in their local ecosystems. My first step is to educate myself on the causes and effects of eutrophication. I will research the internet as well as peers reviewed articles. I will then develop an educational tool such as a PowerPoint Presentation to highlight how humans through artificial eutrophication add to the already naturally occurring process. I will include how eutrophication affects humans, animals, fish and plant life. I will then schedule a meeting with the community board members and invite local residents to discuss eutrophication. 1) I will spend the first three months studying and learning about the cause and effects of eutrophication on ecosystems. 2) I will use the library to research the topic to find peer reviewed articles. Using the internet to research magazine, newspaper articles, and DOH and EPA websites, I will gather information regarding how phosphorous and nitrogen get into ecosystems what it involves and how to stop them from forming. ) I will spend several weeks creating a PowerPoint presentation that explains what eutrophication is how it develops, what cause it, and how to prevent it. 4) In the final month, I will schedule the time and day of the presentation. 5) I will invite the community and homeowners. I will first spend time at home gathering the necessary information and research. I will then incorporate this data together to create a cohesive story involving eutrophicati on. I will then place all this into speaker notes and find scenes for use as pictures in the presentation. In order to schedule a meeting with the Homeowners Association I will first create time to introduce myself to the homeowner’s committee. I will use several friends and associates to make introduction easier. I will then request permission to present information to the committee at the next available meeting. After scheduling the meeting, I will proceed to invite fellow businesses and homeowners to attend. The research will require anywhere from 1-3 months to finish while the PowerPoint presentation will take anywhere from 1-3 weeks. Scheduling time with the homeowners association will be at the next scheduled meeting. Overall, it will be an ongoing process but should take no more than 5 months to complete altogether. The problems that may occur are that point source pollution is not the only cause of eutrophication. There can be several causes of eutrophication including nonpoint source pollution such as urban runoff. There are areas that have limited supplies of drinking water and count on areas infiltrated by eutrophication. The local vegetation that live and thrive in this infected ecosystems are choked and killed off. The dead vegetation allows many different species of algae to thrive and form. While the lack of oxygen created from the photosynthesis kills many species of fish. There is an upside to this plan the excess phosphorous taken from these areas can be placed into landfills. There is a shortage of phosphorus on land and this would help revitalize many fields. There are several limitations to the plan the plan would need the community as a whole to effectively combat eutrophication. This would require not only the cooperation of the local Home Owners Association but every local business in the community. Eutrophication also increases with the rising demand of meats and fossil fuels. Developed nations and developing nations alike will see a rise in eutrophication. The problem overall would be resources funding an operation to clean up local waterways and make local industry and sewage systems compliable can cost millions of dollars easily many cities and states are cash strapped and tightening their budgets. References Eisberg, N. (2009, August 10). Getting to the clean point of use. Chemistry Industry , 11. retrieved from Pheonix University online library website Powersearch . Welch, M. A. (2009). Lake Clean up Plan Panned. Winnepeg Free Press , B. 2. retrieved from Pheonix University online library website Powersearch . Writers, S. (2009). Nutrient Pollution Chokes Marine And Freshwater Ecosystems. Space Daily . retrieved from Pheonix University online library website Powersearch . How to cite Sci 275 Week 8 Assignment Energy Resource Plan, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Assess the Role of the Tsar in the Fall of the Tsarist Regime free essay sample
In Russia, Tsarism had been the system of government since 1547, the country being ruled as an autocracy. For many years the Tsars had been powerful, strong and had the qualities needed to be a great leader, though in 1917, the Tsarist regime came to an end, with Nicholas Romanov II as the country’s current monarch. Tsar Nicholas played a great role in the fall of Tsarism; his incompetency and lack of leadership skills lead to downfall and created a communist Russia. Nicholas made many mistakes which triggered the collapse, which include failure to make the duma work and address the October Manifesto, his role in World War 1 and his decline in authority and support. Another point to consider was the Tsars’ decline in authority; this was a major factor which influenced the role of the Tsar in the regime. After Bloody Sunday Nicholas’ reputation had been damaged and his hold over the Russian public was starting to wane. We will write a custom essay sample on Assess the Role of the Tsar in the Fall of the Tsarist Regime or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Since becoming the Tsar in 1894, Nicholas had failed to embody any attributes of a strong leader. The Tsar had no interest in politics and ruling, as well as no knowledge as to how to rule a country; he did not understand his people especially the peasants whom suffered the most and were the majority of his people. This ultimately led to the fall of the Tsarist Regime as he did not know how to run the country in the first place. One of the first ways that Nicholas II brought on the fall of the Tsarist regime was his failure to address the problems that had arisen before and during the 1905 revolution. The citizens of Russia had disagreed with the way that he had been governing the country, and in result the people rebelled. The peasants who were made up the majority of the population had suffered years without recognition or support in their day to day lives. They took to the streets in an attempt to present their issues to their beloved Tsar, and the originally peaceful protest was made a bloodbath with over 1000 protesters killed. The position of the Tsar had been weakened and image as a much loved father figure was damaged. To repair the situation he created the October Manifesto which met the demands of some of the population to rectify the circumstances, but this had just made the situation worse. He had promised freedom of speech, person, conscience, assembly and union, the right to vote and a Duma (government) to assist with decision making, but none of these addressed the problems of the peasants who were the people who needed it most. He also had no desire for reform, and the Duma was only a consultative body, in which he could choose to take advice from. He also implemented fundamental laws which. Many Russians felt that this reform did not go far enough and were still very unhappy with the Tsar and his reign. In addition to the previous arguments, the Russo-Japanese war and World War One also played major roles in the fall of the Tsarist regime. In 1905, Russia entered the war with Japan with the impression that it would be an easy win, though it was the complete opposite. Hoping to rally the people around the tsar in a display of patriotism but instead it ultimately created a divide between Nicholas and his people. This was because the loss of the Russo-Japanese war lead people to feel negatively towards the government and hence the start of a revolution. The humiliation that such a large, ‘strong’ country lost to a much smaller, inferior country was strongly felt by Nicholas, as well as Russia as a whole. Nicholas’ involvement and role in World War One also influenced the fall of tsarist regime, and though the Russo-Japanese war had maddened many citizens, WW1 pushed many to breaking point, and in result the vicious battle took away any remaining support or respect for the Tsar. Nicholas went into battle entirely unprepared for what was to come, relying on the large numbers of the defense forces; he did not account for any other aspects of the war. By late 1914, there were already high casualty rates and it was clear that they were fighting a losing war; the Russian army was fighting a twentieth century battle with ninetieth century training and weaponry. Due to poor financial planning the Tsar sent men into battle with inadequate supplies, there were only enough rifles for two thirds of the whole army, many soldiers were not given the adequate clothing needed to survive the harsh weather and there were food shortages all over the nation, this meant that if the men didn’t die in battle they would surely either freeze or die of starvation. In addition to the many hardships of the soldiers on the battlefield, peasants also found it difficult to survive the many months. There were extreme food shortages all over the nation which resulted in price increases averaging 300%, and though wages increased the living standards dropped with many having to constantly withstand malnutrition and unsanitary conditions. Nicholas played a major role in the fall of the Tsarist Regime in Russia, through his poor leadership skills and naivety he caused one of the biggest government falls in the history of Russia. While in power he lost 2 wars, caused two revolutions and created a government which he later dissolved, and was the largest downfall in the history of Russia.
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