Sunday, January 26, 2020
Implementing a Personal Development Plan
Implementing a Personal Development Plan Personal and professional skills are very essential to achieve strategic goals. Manager can perform his responsibilities and duties properly by using these skills. It is the process that is designed to enable the readers to take responsibility for their learning and development needs to meet personal, professional as well as organizational goals and objectives. We can achieve this by analyzing and defining current skills, as well as and preparing and implementing personal development plans. Personal and professional skills help the learner to be competent in the competitive business world and sustain as a skilled professional. This will also help the learner to adopt the necessary skills and developments need to perform is duties effectively. So it is the responsibilities of the managers need to develop their personal and professional improvements plan to achieve new knowledge and experiences so that they can cope with the competitive and changing business world. What is a Skill Audit? There are variety of skills which are not only important to learning in higher education and academic career but also to our personal development and professional career. The following skills audit has been prepared to assist to identify the strengths, weaknesses and scope of for development in various skills areas that will help the learner to be a skilled professional in his career. Conducting a skill audit Skill area/ scope I can perform this in well manner yes , but I need more practice to do I canà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢t perform this well manner Priority development of this skill 1 = very important, 2 = quite important, 3 = not important Organization of learning I have the strategies to help me to plan and arrange my time 1 I am able to properly priorities my works and activities 2 I am able to perform work to in time Information searching skill I am always able to find a definite book or journal in the bookstore/ library using the on-line catalogue system I am able to use a different sources to find information and various data related to my studies (e.g. journals. books, electronic resources) I am able to use finding gateways on the net to find information and data Studying and note making I can decide which source of a book I need to study I have a procedures for recording where I find data (e.g. book, author, date) IT sector I am able to use various word processing software package to do my assignments and reports I can use many different types computer software (e.g. Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Access and so on ) Stress Management I know well what creates stress I am able to understand of my personal markings or symptom of stress I can use various strategies to assist me deal with stress Personal and professional Development Plan I am always able to identify my personal goals and targets I am always able to plan for my personal development and professional Development Plan Personal and Professional Skills Counseling It is counseling which has become a popular and familiar ways of offering advice and assisting the staff development. It can be included assistance with the new projects and ventures, as well as providing general advice. There are two general ways: the two ways are described below; Directive counseling: Directive counseling involves the ways in which we taking initiative and actually providing various suggesting methods and solutions. The most possible outcome of different courses of action is ranged and a variety of action can be taken as a measures. Indirect counseling: Indirect counseling involves the ways that only the counselee is capable of defining and managing rightly his or her difficulties and problems and that are the most promotive way of finding to the core of a difficulty which is essential to encourage the other party to discuss the matter at a length of duration.. Management Skills It is very essential to gain skills in three different areas to be an effective and efficient manager, which are: task execution, commercial insight and People skills. Commercial Insight Commercial Insight is a set of skills that emphasizes managers efficiency and properly and, in the case of private sector managers, profitability or return on investment. Managers often use strategic knowledge to ensure that they do the accurate task, which will help to profitability and achievement of corporate goals and objectives. Management versus leadership quality Managers are the main authority of a corporation who occupy important positions of firms. Management of the firm is his responsibilities. On the other hand, leadership is an occasional task, such as creativity. It is not like a role. Managers often show leadership when they bring change in an organization but it is the duty of all employees to advocate a change in direction. Skills required for Effective Management and leadership quality For management and for better result there is very essential for being effective and efficient management. Without this an organization cannot reach its ultimate target. So for getting better result the following Management and leadership skills are very essential. Management Skills It is essential to have skills in three different areas to be a good and effective manager. The three areas include task execution and commercial insight as well as people skills. Some manager may have one or two of these qualities but it is very essential to have the three areas for being a good and effective manager. Observation Observation is very important which can help a manager to observe his fellow people in a right manner. Manger needs to observe the activities of the fellow personal to see whether they perform their task or not. Monitoring Employee Performance It is very essential to monitor employee performance in mutually accepted methods. All Policies and procedures that are set need to be clear and prudent. If the performance of employees is monitored on a regular basis they can surely do better. Implementing Professional Development Programs A good leader is one who can identify the strength and weakness of the fellow people and arrange development programs to improve their condition. Good Decision Making A good leader is one who can make wise and good decision. Without making good decision it is not possible for a leader to perform his duties properly. A good leader needs to consider all the inside and outside factors before making a decision. Ways to improve personal and professional Skills We may have brilliant ideas and you may have work hard. But these will not work well if we fail to connect with the people work around your side. If you fail to do it is sure that you will damage your professional career.You are viewing page 1 Bottom of Form There are ten helpful ways that help to improve personal skills in a man: Smile. One can manage people very easily simply by smiling. So it is very urgent to maintain smile in all the ways of our professional life. Always be appreciative. Always try to be generous with praise and kind words. When people help you it is essential to thank them. Always be attentive. It is very important to be attentive when someone talks to us. Practice active listening. One can improve his qualities by regular basis practice on listening. Bring people together. It is very urgent to Treat everyone equally and same manner. We need to listen carefully and value what people say. Resolve possible conflicts. If there any conflict arises it is very important to resolve the conflict between the parties so that no further conflicts arise. Communicate clearly. Always clear and effective communication is required to avoid misunderstandings among coworkers, colleagues, as well as associates. Humor. Always try not to be afraid to be funny or cunning. See from other side. Always try to consider from the other side. This will help you to perform your duties properly. Dont complain. It is very essential not to complain against other. Personal SWOT analysis (an example of mine) My SWOT analysis is as follows. Key Strengths Im very enthusiastic. I can communicate in good manner with my fellow people. I have the ability to questions to find just the right professional angle. Im very committed to success. Key Weaknesses I always take more times to decide any decision which sometimes lengthen my projects. This sort of quality always faces me at a stress when I have too many works. Key Opportunities Im going to arrange a seminar for developing career which will help me to expand my capacity. The markets are expanding widely. As a result there is huge capacity for us to capture the market. Possible threats One of my co-workers Mr. Ajman is more fluent than me and he is always thinking him as my competitors. Because there are great shortage of employees, so a huge work load has fallen on me which will damage my capacity The current economic condition is not well. Personal development planning It is Personal development planning which is the process by which we can improve our ability in education, learning and career. The personal development planning can work in the following ways; Stage 1 Profiling Ourselves It is the first point for our individual professional development plan and should include the ways in which we can set our Personal development planning Stage 2 Define the Strategy The second step of personal development is defining the strategy. We have to make the strategy which can focus the maximum areas of the impact so this can meet both our personal and professional needs to achieve our objectives. Stage 3 à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ Improve an Action Plan The next step of personal development plan is developing an action plan. An effective action plan has some elements which are given below: A clear statement of the goal to be achieved The actions required to achieve the goal The target timescale for achieving the goal Criteria to assess when we have reached our goal Stage 4 Learning methods There are many ways to divide the learning styles and procedures, but the easiest ways is the one of the following ways: Visual ways à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ visual learning is the ways in which learners can read books, magazine and internet. Auditory this is the ways which is similar to hearing. Dialogue and discussion is essential in this ways Stage 5 Evaluation and Reflection The last step of personal development plan is evaluation and reflection. This step is similar to the ways in which we evaluate what we learn from the development plan as described above. Conclusion Form the above discussion and analysis we can be concluded that developing personal and professional skill is not single time task but it is a continuous and ongoing process because working environment and essential job skills are changing very rapidly. Professional development is not a new concept, but it is becoming increasingly important. Personal and professional development is very essential to sustain in the competitive business world. Everything in business world is changing rapidly. So to perform the task it is mandatory to develop ourselves. We have entered the knowledge-based economy. Thus it very important and essential task for all level of managers to evaluate their personal and professional skill on a continuous basis through skill audit and personal development plan as well as to take necessary actions to do better and cope with the changing situation.
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