Sunday, May 10, 2020
The Editorial Board At Northeast Ohio Media Group - 955 Words
No on ResponsibleOhio s flawed Issue 3 The editorial board at Northeast Ohio Media Group has an interesting take on Issue 3. â€Å"No on ResponsibleOhio s flawed Issue 3 seeking to legalize marijuana by creating constitutionally protected monopolies†is the name of the article in which they argue why Ohio should vote no on the issue. The article states â€Å"what will be on the November 3rd ballot is Issue 3 -- a measure that would enshrine within the Ohio Constitution a legal cartel for the cultivation of marijuana that could only be changed by a future vote of the people†. The thesis in the article is very much assumed that by making marijuana legal it would enshrine within the Ohio Constitution a legal cartel. The editorial argues why issue 3 should not pass this November. It states that if the issue passes there will be 10 businesses in which marijuana will be grown commercially and that is the wrong thing to do in their eyes. They believe the people in support of issue 3 are only in it to make money. The article states that ResponsibleOhio is not campaigning to make Ohio a better place, they have an agenda. ResponsibleOhio supports issue 3 with many arguments including the medicinal value of marijuana and the positive effect it would have on the black market. If passed anyone over 21 can smoke in their homes, with no more than nine ounces at a time. It also states individuals can grow their own weed for personal use but they have to register with the state as growers andShow MoreRelatedAmerican Civil Rights Movement Essay15820 Words  | 64 Pagesmost famous example is John D. Rockefellers Standard Oil Company of Ohio. Rockefeller initially created a trade association of refiners, and became its first president. Ultimately, this association became a massive, vertically integrated, centralized corporation. By 1880, the Standard Oil group or alliance numbered 40 separate companies. 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