Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Tips for Mastering English Grammar for New Learners
Tips for Mastering English Grammar for New Learners English punctuation is supposed to be one of the most hard to learn for local unknown dialect speakers particularly as a result of its innumerable standards and various special cases to them. Be that as it may, numerous English as an Alternative Language (EAL) instructors has created techniques to help these English syntax students through the way toward understanding appropriate utilization and style. On the off chance that understudies follow straightforward, monotonous strides to see each new component of language structure, a few etymologists note, they will in the end get on the comprehension of those standards, however English students must be mindful so as not to disregard rules and special cases specifically conditions. Subsequently, probably the most ideal approaches to learn appropriate English punctuation for outside students is to peruse a few model sentences in language structure course readings so as to encounter each conceivable variety of every syntax rule. This guarantees regardless of the generally held standards related with each case, new students will likewise encounter when English, as it frequently does, disrupts the guidelines. Careful discipline brings about promising results When learning any new aptitude, the familiar maxim careful discipline brings about promising results truly holds valid, particularly with regards to comprehension and applying appropriate English syntax abilities; in any case, inappropriate practice makes for anâ improper execution, so its significant for English students to completely get a handle on language structure rules and special cases before rehearsing use themselves. Every component of use and style must be taken a gander at and aced exclusively before applying in discussion or writing to guarantee that new students handle center ideas. Some EAL educators suggest following these three stages: Peruse a short away from justifiable clarification of a language structure rule.Study a few down to earth utilization models (sentences) outlining that specific syntax rule. Check yourself whether you have aced the examples.Do a few activities for that standard with open substance with sentences that most probable can be utilized, all things considered, circumstances. Syntax practices that contain exchanges, inquisitive and explanation (or account) sentences on regular points, topical writings and story stories are particularly powerful for acing syntactic structures and ought to likewise incorporate listening perception and talking, not simply perusing and composing. Difficulties and Longevity in Mastering English Grammar EAL educators and new students the same should remember that genuine authority or in any event, comprehension of English language structure takes a long time to create, which isnt to state that understudies wont have the option to utilize English fluidly decently fast, but instead that legitimate sentence structure is testing in any event, for local English speakers. In any case, students can't depend on genuine correspondence alone to be capable in utilizing linguistically right English. Just getting talked or informal English tends to bring about abuse and ill-advised syntax for non-local English speakers, who frequently exclude words articles like the and to-be action words like are when attempting to state Did you see the film? furthermore, rather than saying you see the film? Right oral correspondence in English depends on information on English phonetics, sentence structure, jargon, and on training and involvement with speaking with local English speakers, all things considered. I would contend that initial, a student must ace at any rate essential English sentence structure from books with practices before having the option to convey linguistically accurately, all things considered, with local speakers of English.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Industrial Revolution for the Disabled :: Essays Papers
The Industrial Revolution for the Disabled In this new period of Internet and the World Wide Web, everything is available. In the event that you required forward-thinking news, research, or amusement; simply go on the web. Ordinary individuals underestimate this decision, possibly by obliviousness or by ineptitude, yet a little, ever-developing populace don't have these decisions. The debilitated have conquered numerous pregitouses and were once viewed as intellectually and truly impeded. Be that as it may, as of late, various associations have perceived the requirement for the handicapped to accomplish extreme web availability. Obviously, extreme won't be accomplished for quite a while, however some accessiblility is superior to none. The Americans with Disabilities Act has just thought of availability necessities that the Federal Government has received. (Appropriateness of... 2000) Aol has changed it's organization because of a claim by the National Federation for the visually impaired. (Appropriateness of... 2000) Not just are open segments changing their sites, yet numerous private parts are too (Applicability of... 2000) To guarantee people with incapacities have full and equivalent delight in the offices they give when the arrangement of such access is quantifiable. (Relevance of... 2000) Assistive Technology Assistive Technology is any gadget, bit of hardware, of programming that is utilized to assist an individual with an inability or debilitation, arrive at full useful limit. A few instances of cutting edge assistive innovation incorporate voice acknowledgment frameworks, voice union, huge print show, braille emblazoning, and elective PC input gadgets. (University of Iowa) Some measurements on the across the board worry of engineers for available sites include:50 million individuals in the U.S. have a useful restriction. 15% of those can't utilize a PC without some type of assistive innovation and about 8% of the individuals who utilize the Web have incapacities. (McKeefy 1998) As research shows the web is carrying a universe of data to clients with handicaps, however unfavorably, it is hard for vision impeded individuals to get to a sight and sound rich website. (McKeefy 1998) New gear for the sight-disabled are currently accessible, however one may think it is just accessible to individuals with cash. As per Greg Meise, President of Lenexa (a Kansas based affiliate), 'Declining innovation costs currently have made these items accessible to a more extensive crowd. Reasonableness has changed the market.' (McKeefy 1998) The costs of these extraordinary innovations have dropped and disabled clients have an alternative of blended advancements. (McKeefy 1998) Mindfulness The ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) has set up prerequisites for the web to make sites open for individuals with incapacities.
Saturday, August 1, 2020
misti musings
misti musings I’m three weeks into my MISTI, and I think I’ve pretty much got this 9 to 5 gig down to a skill. Wake up, go to work, code, go for lunch, choke down my ‘mildly’ spiced, tears-inducing meal, play badminton on some days, table tennis on others, code some more, come back to my hotel room, watch some Netflix and fall asleep. It’s mundane and boring and exactly what I need. It’s the first time in the last two years that I’ve stopped to think, to really process things, to take a breather and, in the words of one of my friends, ‘reshuffle my cards’. I feel spoilt- the company I’m interning at put us up at a very posh apartment-style hotel in one of the leafier subsets of the city. From the balcony of my room on the tenth floor I have a majestic view of the Bangalore bungalows intertwined with lush gardens, and in the early morning before the sun fully rises, I can spot the hills in the distance. One day, I’ll snap out of my crippling laziness and go for a run in the woods behind my hotel, but until that day comes I’m content with sitting on my balcony watching the sun set over the quiet neighborhood, a cup of tea in hand, with no p-sets weighing on me or exams looming in the near future. A particularly scenic sunset I’ve thought about so many things that have been lurking in my subconscious for months but that I’ve not had the time or emotional capacity to fully address before. Why in God’s name did I declare Computer Science as my major? I labored through Computer Studies in high school and found it intriguing at best and perfectly frustrating at worst. I don’t have any coding experience to speak of, and my current data science project is the first vaguely pleasant interaction with programming I’ve had. Did I fall victim to a herd mentality, get caught up in the hype and decide that since course 6 seemed to be the right path for so many others, then it must be for me as well? Do I truly believe what I tell everyone who asks me why I chose CS, that it forms a good foundation for me in whatever field I choose to go into later? And then I ask myself another question- if not course 6, then what? I was obsessed with astronauts when I was a kid, but come on- how many people actually end up becoming what they dreamt of being when they were kids, anyway? I sip my tea and put my legs up on the balcony rail. Ah, I love the autonomy I have. I can eat honey straight out of the jar since it’s mine- I can use a cup twice without needing to wash it- I can get ice cream from the Baskin Robbins downstairs every single day and convince myself that calories don’t count in the summer. Being so far from home has its perks. But I miss my home, every single day. I miss my cat and my brother’s annoying dogs that chew on the ends of my jeans even though I only have two good pairs. I miss my mum hugging me every day before leaving for work and my dad bringing me apples and tangerines and grapes every evening when he gets home. Hed flip if he knew I barely ate any fruit at school. That train of thought leads me to thinking about next semester. I have resolutions. Not many, but profound ones. First, I need to take my health seriously. No more skipping meals and living on a burrito a day. I need to eat fruit every other day and exercise whenever I can. I should invest in a water bottle and carry it everywhere so I can keep hydrated. Second, I need to resist the urge to oversubscribe myself and overcommit to things. I should create time to be nowhere and do nothing, and I should write more often. Third, I need to make time to do things I actually like, like music. Maybe I’ll start taking violin lessons, or dedicate more time to my piano lab classes. Bangalore is as close to Nairobi as a city would ever get, I think. Its vibrant and mildly chaotic with motorcycles, vehicles, buses and pedestrians all jostling for space on the rather narrow roads. I am once more surrounded by familiar brands, like the network provider, Airtel, and the detergent, Persil. I’ve had to switch back to saying ‘serviettes’ instead of ‘paper towels’, and asking if I can have my food packed for take-away instead of to-go. But even as things are almost back to normal, they are still distinctly different. The stares I get as I walk through the grocery store or the food court remind me that I’m an unusual sight, a rare species. Sometimes I feel special and other times I just feel tired. Even then, the small kindnesses never cease, and when I catch peoples’ stares, I instantly get an open smile, and I find myself smiling in return. My spice tolerance has greatly increased, as has my inclination to try new things, like a dessert comprising of carr ots and milk solids that’s surprisingly tasty, and a dish that mixes potatoes with oranges in a thick yoghurt-like cream. (From left) Fellow MIT interns Quiyue Liu 20, me, Watchara Ouysinprasert 20, and Diogo Netto 22 Bangalore Palace Mulling over my thoughts on the balcony has helped me establish some facts, the biggest being that I’ll never know what the future holds for me, and I should save myself the worry of trying to guess. The best I can do is to make the wisest decisions based on what I know now. Another indisputable fact is that a hot cup of masala tea laced with as much honey as I deem fit can solve almost all my problems, which is a neat trick to have up my sleeve for getting through next semester. Post Tagged #misti #mitindia
Friday, May 22, 2020
Informative Speech Outline On A Computer - 821 Words
Informative Speech Outline Topic: How to build a computer General purpose: To inform Specific Purpose: To inform my audience how to build a computer and the components need it. Introduction: I. Attention-getting and orientation material: Have you ever consider build your own computer? II. According to Brian Benton, a IT director/chief engineering technician, one of the reason to build a computer it’s because â€Å"It’s much easier to get exactly what you want†II. Thematic Statement: Today, I hope to inform you about the components that you need to build a computer, how to put them together, and how to test it. (Transition: First, let’s talk about the components that you need.) Body: I. The components that you need in order to build your computer. A. Case or tower 1. This is the enclosure that holds most of the components together. B. Motherboard 1. This is the main circuit board where most the components are attached. C. Processor 1. This is like the brain of the computer. 2. The better the processor is, the faster the computer will run. D. Ram (random access memory) 1. Will determine how many programs you can have open at the same time without slowing down the computer. 2. Bestbuy.com says that you need 2GB for basic computing, but 4GB or more is recommended E. Hard Driver 1. How much data you can store in the computer. 2. The more space you have the more files you can save, such as pictures, music, movies, etc. F. Optical driver 1. Where you put a CD or DVD to load moviesShow MoreRelatedComplaint Speech1384 Words  | 6 PagesComplaint Speech (pet peeve or everyday nuisances) Time Limit: 2-4 minutes Outline: Standard format as described in lecture and text. Sample outline included below. Why we are doing this: This is a bridge from narrative to informative speaking where we use the entire speech preparation process but without the need for external research. 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Sunday, May 10, 2020
The Editorial Board At Northeast Ohio Media Group - 955 Words
No on ResponsibleOhio s flawed Issue 3 The editorial board at Northeast Ohio Media Group has an interesting take on Issue 3. â€Å"No on ResponsibleOhio s flawed Issue 3 seeking to legalize marijuana by creating constitutionally protected monopolies†is the name of the article in which they argue why Ohio should vote no on the issue. The article states â€Å"what will be on the November 3rd ballot is Issue 3 -- a measure that would enshrine within the Ohio Constitution a legal cartel for the cultivation of marijuana that could only be changed by a future vote of the people†. The thesis in the article is very much assumed that by making marijuana legal it would enshrine within the Ohio Constitution a legal cartel. The editorial argues why issue 3 should not pass this November. It states that if the issue passes there will be 10 businesses in which marijuana will be grown commercially and that is the wrong thing to do in their eyes. They believe the people in support of issue 3 are only in it to make money. The article states that ResponsibleOhio is not campaigning to make Ohio a better place, they have an agenda. ResponsibleOhio supports issue 3 with many arguments including the medicinal value of marijuana and the positive effect it would have on the black market. If passed anyone over 21 can smoke in their homes, with no more than nine ounces at a time. It also states individuals can grow their own weed for personal use but they have to register with the state as growers andShow MoreRelatedAmerican Civil Rights Movement Essay15820 Words  | 64 Pagesmost famous example is John D. Rockefellers Standard Oil Company of Ohio. Rockefeller initially created a trade association of refiners, and became its first president. Ultimately, this association became a massive, vertically integrated, centralized corporation. By 1880, the Standard Oil group or alliance numbered 40 separate companies. Wall Street was no longer the exclusive enclave of young men from a tiny group of good families; it was open to anyone (well, any white males).Read MoreMarketing Mistakes and Successes175322 Words  | 702 PagesWILEY SONS, INC. 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Gale is an imprint of The Gale Group, Inc., a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. Gale and Design ® and Thomson Learning are trademarks used herein under license. The following sections, if they existRead MoreProject Managment Case Studies214937 Words  | 860 PagesPROJECT MANAGEMENT CASE STUDIES, SECOND EDITION - PROJECT MANAGEMENT CASE STUDIES, SECOND EDITION HAROLD KERZNER, Ph.D. Division of Business Administration Baldwin-Wallace College Berea, Ohio John Wiley Sons, Inc. This book is printed on acid-free paper. @ Copyright O 2006 by John Wiley Sons, Inc. All rights reserved. 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During the same time span, however, state tyranny and brutal oppressionRead More_x000C_Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis355457 Words  | 1422 PagesRoxy Peck, Chris Olsen, Jay Devore Acquisitions Editor: Carolyn Crockett Development Editor: Danielle Derbenti Assistant Editor: Beth Gershman Editorial Assistant: Ashley Summers Technology Project Manager: Colin Blake Marketing Manager: Joe Rogove Marketing Assistant: Jennifer Liang Marketing Communications Manager: Jessica Perry Project Manager, Editorial Production: Jennifer Risden Creative Director: Rob Hugel Art Director: Vernon Boes Print Buyer: Karen Hunt Permissions Editor: Isabel Alves
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Bowlbys Attachment Theory Free Essays
Introduction For the purpose of this assignment I will begin with a discussion of John Bowl by’s theory of attachment, this is one of the most used theories in children’s social work today. I will then discuss the origins of attachment theory, with giving an overview of what attachment theory consists of. In addition I will critically analyse this theory by incorporating other theorist’s views. We will write a custom essay sample on Bowlbys Attachment Theory or any similar topic only for you Order Now Further I will give a brief account of how Mary Ainsworth researched attachment and her outcomes and classifications, which strengthened and widened the theory. Finally I will discuss how this theory is used within social work settings, together with influencing policy initiatives . A brief overview is given regarding the ethical approach used together with its relevance to anti discriminatory practise. Bowlby initially began his career as a child psychiatrist, which later led him to undertake training at the British Psychoanalytic Institute. These early experiences contributed positively in Bowlby’s research, which then led to the origins of attachment theory. This was his first empirical study to be undertaken. He examined cases of maladjusted children in a school. Bowlby then linked the children who were committing petty crime, also suffered with affectionless emotions. He then noted that all of these children had a history of separation and maternal deprivation Bowlby then proceeded to expand his research, influenced by Konrad Lorenz’s (1935) paper on imprinting. In which Lorenz researched behaviour of baby geese, where he stated is a phrase sensitive learning which is implied within a â€Å"_critical period†(Lorenz 1935). _Bowlby’s research was then one compromising concepts from ethologic, cybernetics and psychoanalysis methods. Thus making him believe that, humans are also born with tendencies to naturally promote attachment. The main concepts which Bowlby mainly focused on was; monotropy a tendency to attach to one particular care giver usually the mother. In addition he stated â€Å"_the propensity to make strong emotional bonds to one particular individual is a basic component of human nature†(Bowlby 1988). _He also goes on to state attachment â€Å"aids in survival†. Bowlby had distinguished four categories that consisted in attachment. The proximity Maintenance: Desire to be near the people we are attached to. Safe Haven: Returning to the attachment figure for comfort and safety in the face of fear or threat Secure Base: The attachment figure acts as a base of security from which the child can explore the surrounding environment. Separation Distress: Anxiety that occurs in the absence of the attachment figure. Ambivalent Attachment: _Where the child usually become very distressed when parents leave. This type is un common, normally a result of poor maternal availability. _ After Ainsworth’s research, (Main, Solomon 1986) added a fourth attachment style from their own research Conclusion How to cite Bowlbys Attachment Theory, Papers
Thursday, April 30, 2020
Sociology of Education free essay sample
This essay will discuss sociology within the confines of education and examine the role educational institutions play in the development of a society. The above illustration will act as a visual stimulus for this purpose, setting a sociological context through which this assignment will be conducted. Theories of habitus, social capital and social reproduction with regard to education will be examined. Central to the theory of social reproduction are a number of key characteristics. This essay will apply the following: First, current educational systems reinforce inequality; second, schools are built upon models of class values; and finally, the educational system is modelled on the concerns of the dominant ruling classes. The first section of this assignment will establish a theoretical basis for the essay. It will introduce the work of Pierre Bourdieu, identifying him as a key theorist in the field of sociology in education. Relevant areas of Bourdieus research will be examined, most notably his theories of capital. We will write a custom essay sample on Sociology of Education or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Drawing from ranging academic sources this section will expand upon the topic with a view to apply the theory in the following section. In line with theory outlined in section one, the second section will analyse the formerly introduced visual stimulus. In doing so, the following questions will be answered: Does the image reinforce the theories of Bourdieu? If so, what elements of the image suggest that social inequality is in fact reproduced in educational institutions? Based on this analysis, general conclusions will be drawn leading to the subsequent section; personal reflections of the author. Section three will incorporate personal reflections. A number of aspects of the earlier outlined theories will be highlighted and compared to the personal experiences of the author. In addition, this section will conclude the assignment with the identification of a number of key ways its completion has informed my understanding of sociology within teaching and learning. Section One Theory Explicated The first section of this paper is concerned with one of the most influential thinkers of the twentieth century, Pierre Bourdieu. His observations of how the upper classes retain a dominant roll in society and the link between educational institutions and the reproduction of social classes are significant. These perspectives play an important role in his studies and will be discussed here. A focus will be placed on his theories of habitus, social capital and social reproduction. The views of various academic writers will be employed to support or challenge his theories. Bourdieus theory of habitus refers to the formation of an individuals ideology or disposition as a result of social environment. Billig states that, ideology comprises the habits of behaviour and belief which combine to make any social world appear to those who inhabit it, as the natural world (Billig 1995, p. 37–38). Therefore, subconscious behaviour, values and attitudes will pre-exist, independent of the socialisation of the individual taking place in fields such as institutions of education. Moreover, habitus refers to the instinctive actions or predisposed thought processes of an individual in relation to their social class. Webb (et al. confirm this theory in Understanding Bourdieu: Habitus is the set of durable dispositions that people carry within them that shapes their attitudes, behaviours and responses to given situations. (2002, p. 114) Further support of this theory is provided by Perez-Felkner in her studies on socialisation of children and adolescents. She states that individuals develop through the process of accommodation to their environmental contexts, specifically concentric rings of influence, from family to neighbourhoods and schools to cultural forces in society. 1977, cited Perez-Felkner, 2013, p. 3) Habitus can relate to the amount and type of capital an individual may yield. Bourdieu recognised that the concept of capital is not solely linked to the world of economics. He theorised that in sociological terms, capital can take a number of further forms such as symbolic capital, cultural capital and social capital (Webb, 2002). He hypothesised that the form and amount of capital an individual is subject to can directly influence social position or opportunities for social mobility. For the purpose of this assignment, a focus will be placed on social capital. Bourdieu states that: social capital is the sum of the resources, actual or virtual, that accrue to an individual or a group by virtue of possessing a durable network of more or less institutionalized relationships of mutual acquaintance and recognition (Bourdieu et. al. , 1992, p. 119). In accordance with Bourdieu, it can be derived that social capital is the accumulation of benefits and opportunities obtained through association with a particular social group or class. For example, a principle of a grammar school giving preferential treatment to a candidate for a teaching position because they have studied at the same redbrick university. Thurpp lends support to this theory in highlighting the perceived benefits of attending a middle class school: These include the social capital of peers, extra material resources, contextual or school mix effects on student achievement, better pathways to elite tertiary institutions, the effects of the `old school tie’ in the labour market and so on. (Thrupp 2010, p. 303) Attending school or university, by its very nature, is conducive to the formation of a social network. Attending an institution that fosters middle class values will increase exposure to other middle class members of society, therefore the formation of a network of privileged individuals. This process increases social capital and consequently opportunities of success for the dominant members of society. The social structure is perpetuated. Bourdieu identified this process as social reproduction. Social reproduction is the idea that inequality is continually reproduced as a result of education systems. It identifies how social and cultural values are transmitted from one generation to the next within the schooling process. Webb et al. support this notion in Understanding Bourdieu stating: Education acts to promote social distinction and, as such, operate as an agent of reproduction of the cultural arbitrary. (2002, p. 114) In democratic countries, schooling is considered to be a meritocratic system, providing equal opportunities to all. Nonetheless, Bourdieus theory of social reproduction asserts that public education systems work to reinforce class systems already in place. Consequently, the powerful, dominant class retain their position over the subordinate lower classes. Section 2 Theory Applied These boys are students of Eton College, an elite British boarding school located at Windsor, in the United Kingdom. Founded more than 600 years ago by King Henry VI, an education at this school is far out of reach for the vast majority of British students due to high fees. Past pupils have enjoyed much influence and control over British society. Sometimes referred to as the chief nurse of Englands statesmen, it has educated countless British political leaders and generations of aristocracy, and is therefore synonymous with the British ruling classes (BBC News, 1998). As earlier outlined, Bourdieus states that habitus is a set of durable dispositions that people carry within them that shapes their attitudes, behaviours and responses to given situations (Webb et al. 2002, p. 114). In order to apply this theory to the image, it is first necessary to make educated assumptions about the background of its subjects. On the basis of the photograph, the evidence suggests that the students pictured are from high income families where much value is placed on education. Logically, it can be assumed that they are of upper-middle class origin. In considering what a socially just education system might look like, Reay identifies the perceived intellectual superiority and elitism, of the upper and middle classes in Britain. She states that the British class system seeps into the soul creating divisions between people (Reay, 2012. p596). With this in mind, it can be suggested that the relaxed students pictured above are quipped with a deeply ingrained habitus conducive to the ideologies of the school. They are relaxed because they were born and bread for a privileged Etonian world. According to Bourdieu, a working class tudent placed into this environment would be disadvantaged; socially ill-equipped to engage with the values of the institution. Looking at the displayed image, it is not difficult to determine that the subjects are members of a group. This can be ascertained from their attire; a school uniform that appears to be worn with pride. There are notable differences between uniforms worn by the majority of contemporary school students and those that attend Eton College: a top hat and tails. This uniform denotes affluence and privilege. It confirms class difference. Wearing this uniform along with other customs and practices work together to produce and sustain an intangible asset that Bourdieu terms social capital. Social capital, as earlier outlined is conceived as that which binds groups of people together, providing a sense of belonging. Siisiainen identifies that this form of capital can be utilized in efforts to improve the social position of the actors in a variety of different fields (2000, p. 12). The influence social capital can have on an individuals journey through the social hierarchy is considerable. In order to more fully understand the social capital Etonion students harbour, it is necessary to briefly analyse the social context within which the school is found. England is a nation with extreme social inequalities. There are obvious benefits of attending a school like Eton; The best teachers access premium resources to ensure first class provision of education. However, according to Bourdieus theory of social capital, there are further reaching benefits. In attending Eton College, a frame of reference is formed that connects with that of the ruling class. Having educated nineteen British prime-ministers (BBC News, 1998), it is not difficult to hypothesis that there is a link between the value system of the school and those who rule. These boys are bread for power. They are part of a system that is sustained by the reproduction of society. Beordieu theorised that educational institutions act as instruments in the social reproduction of inequality. It is continuously reproduced on the grounds that education systems are saturated with the ideology of the middle class, primarily serving their interests. For this reason, lower class groups are at a further disadvantage within the education system. Reay lends support to this concept stating private schools have been one of the principal means by which elitism and social divisions are produced and perpetuated in England (2012, p591). This is certainly true in relation to the illustration accompanying this assignment. A group of privileged students wear the uniform of an elite educational establishment. High attendance fees ensure its inaccessibility to the lower class in British society. These boys attend an exclusive school that perpetuate advantage for the dominant group in society. They receive a superior education, are likely to attend elite universities and as a result, most likely to secure high income employment. For these students, maintaining their superior position requires little effort. They have the benefit of learning middle class values at home. They have access to higher quality instruction. Privilege and wealth for the elite is continued. (Witty, 2001 p. 290) In concluding the analysis of the illustration, this photograph can be said to very much reinforce the sociological theories of Bourdieu. Visually, judgements of habitus can be drawn form the attire and apparent disposition of the boys. They are at ease in their environment. Contextually, researching past graduates of the school has revealed high levels of social capital; some of the most powerful men in Britain have been educated here. Finally, the reproduction of a social group cannot be denied; this is a facility utilised in the educated of the affluent and elite of British society. The following section of this assignment will draw on these conclusions in an effort to draw on the personal experience of the author as a teaching professional. Section 3 Personal Reflection Primarily this assignment has been concerned with concepts of sociology within the English education system. Having a number of years experience teaching in British schools, I have observed some of the theories discussed in this assignment. The following paragraphs will briefly delineate some personal observations of the author within the context of habitus. The first year of teaching in the U. K. was spent at a mixed sex, catholic, compressive, secondary school. Here, a high portion of the pupils came from disadvantaged backgrounds. It was common for pupils to speak of a parent in prison, violence in the home or a disdain for schooling. With high levels of truancy and children in receipt of free school meals (Government policy for disadvantage families),producing classwork was not a priority for many students. The working-class habitus of the cohort was not conducive to the middle-class value system of the school. Here, pupils were expected to perform academically in a way that was not expected or valued in the home. Only a small portion of students had faith in the school system or a desire to attend third level institutions. The schooling system was failing them. Conversely, the following years employment was passed at a selective grammar school. To attend this institute, students needed to rank highly in an exam. Pupils were often the second or third generation of their family to be grammar school educated. Standards of academic excellence were expected of all pupils from family, staff and the students themselves. At this school, attitudes of the students contrasted strongly with those of the students at the previous school. Here, at age 11, students would discuss what universities they planned to attend upon graduating from school. Perhaps due to the perceived high standard of educational provision, house prices around the grammar school were far higher than around the comprehensive school. Consequently, living in area was out of reach of working-class families. The cohort of the school was almost exclusively middle class, with few students in receipt of free school meals. The habitus of the pupils attending the institution and the ethos of the school were aligned. Therefore, according to league tables, the school was one of the most successful schools in the North West of England year on year. A portion of its graduates attending redbrick universities annually; habitus and social reproduction in action. Conclusion The aim of this essay has been to discuss sociology within the confines of education. It has examining the role educational institutions play in the development of society. It has introduced the theories of Pierre Bourdieu and focusing on his theories of habitus, social capital and social reproduction. A visual stimulus has been analysed, setting a sociological context through which the theories of Bourdieu were be examined. Based on this analysis, general conclusions were drawn leading to a the personal reflections of the author. Having studied the work of Bourdieu, and the analysing the earlier mentioned picture, the following can be stated: Firstly, students entering a field of education do so equipped with a predefined disposition as a result of the varied influences of their home environment. This may yield advantaged or disadvantaged position depending on the social background of the individual. Secondly, social capital can be obtained in attending institutions considered to be upper-class or exclusive. This can be advantageous in securing social mobility for lower classes or the sustaining of social privilege for the upper-classes. Finally, according to Bourdieu, institutes of education are primarily concerned with the advancement of the dominant class. Consequently, the reproduction of privilege for the advantaged middle class is effortless, while far greater obstacles lie in the path of the working-class. This paper has concluded with brief documentation of some personal experiences of the author. Reflecting upon the social aspects of teaching and the inequalities that exist within the educational system, it has been determined that the theories discussed are highly influential and therefore relevant for further examination. Sociology of Education free essay sample Essay will discuss sociology within the confines of education and examine the role educational institutions play in the development of a society. The above illustration will act as a visual stimulus for this purpose, setting a sociological context through which this assignment will be conducted. Theories of habitus, social capital and social reproduction with regard to education will be examined. Central to the theory of social reproduction are a number of key characteristics. This essay will apply the following: First, current educational systems reinforce inequality; second, schools are built upon models of class values; and finally, the educational system is modelled on the concerns of the dominant ruling classes. The first section of this assignment will establish a theoretical basis for the essay. It will introduce the work of Pierre Bourdieu, identifying him as a key theorist in the field of sociology in education. Relevant areas of Bourdieus research will be examined, most notably his theories of capital. We will write a custom essay sample on Sociology of Education or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Drawing from ranging academic sources this section will expand upon the topic with a view to apply the theory in the following section. In line with theory outlined in section one, the second section will analyse the formerly introduced visual stimulus. In doing so, the following questions will be answered: Does the image reinforce the theories of Bourdieu? If so, what elements of the image suggest that social inequality is in fact reproduced in educational institutions? Based on this analysis, general conclusions will be drawn leading to the subsequent section; personal reflections of the author. Section three will incorporate personal reflections. A number of aspects of the earlier outlined theories will be highlighted and compared to the personal experiences of the author. In addition, this section will conclude the assignment with the identification of a number of key ways its completion has informed my understanding of sociology within teaching and learning. Section One Theory Explicated The first section of this paper is concerned with one of the most influential thinkers of the twentieth century, Pierre Bourdieu. His observations of how the upper classes retain a dominant roll in society and the link between educational institutions and the reproduction of social classes are significant. These perspectives play an important role in his studies and will be discussed here. A focus will be placed on his theories of habitus, social capital and social reproduction. The views of various academic writers will be employed to support or challenge his theories. Bourdieus theory of habitus refers to the formation of an individuals ideology or disposition as a result of social environment. Billig states that, ideology comprises the habits of behaviour and belief which combine to make any social world appear to those who inhabit it, as the natural world (Billig 1995, p. 37–38). Therefore, subconscious behaviour, values and attitudes will pre-exist, independent of the socialisation of the individual taking place in fields such as institutions of education. Moreover, habitus refers to the instinctive actions or predisposed thought processes of an individual in relation to their social class. Webb (et al.) confirm this theory in Understanding Bourdieu: Habitus is the set of durable dispositions that people carry within them that shapes their attitudes, behaviours and responses to given situations. (2002, p. 114) Further support of this theory is provided by Perez-Felkner in her studies on socialisation of children and adolescents. She states that individuals develop through the process of accommodation to their environmental contexts, specifically concentric rings of influence, from family to neighbourhoods and schools to cultural forces in society. Habitus can relate to the amount and type of capital an individual may yield. Bourdieu recognised that the concept of capital is not solely linked to the world of economics. He theorised that in sociological terms, capital can take a number of further forms such as symbolic capital, cultural capital and social capital (Webb, 2002). He hypothesised that the form and amount of capital an individual is subject to can directly influence social position or opportunities for social mobility. For the purpose of this assignment, a focus will be placed on social capital. Bourdieu states that: social capital is the sum of the resources, actual or virtual, that accrue to an individual or a group by virtue of possessing a durable network of more or less institutionalized relationships of mutual acquaintance and recognition (Bourdieu et. al. , 1992, p. 119). In accordance with Bourdieu, it can be derived that social capital is the accumulation of benefits and opportunities obtained through association with a particular social group or class. For example, a principle of a grammar school giving preferential treatment to a candidate for a teaching position because they have studied at the same redbrick university. Thurpp lends support to this theory in highlighting the perceived benefits of attending a middle class school: These include the social capital of peers, extra material resources, contextual or school mix effects on student achievement, better pathways to elite tertiary institutions, the effects of the `old school tie’ in the labour market and so on. (Thrupp 2010, p. 303) Attending school or university, by its very nature, is conducive to the formation of a social network. Attending an institution that fosters middle class values will increase exposure to other middle class members of society, therefore the formation of a network of privileged individuals. This process increases social capital and consequently opportunities of success for the dominant members of society. The social structure is perpetuated. Bourdieu identified this process as social reproduction. Social reproduction is the idea that inequality is continually reproduced as a result of education systems. It identifies how social and cultural values are transmitted from one generation to the next within the schooling process. Webb et al. support this notion in Understanding Bourdieu stating: Education acts to promote social distinction and, as such, operate as an agent of reproduction of the cultural arbitrary. (2002, p. 114) In democratic countries, schooling is considered to be a meritocratic system, providing equal opportunities to all. Nonetheless, Bourdieus theory of social reproduction asserts that public education systems work to reinforce class systems already in place. Consequently, the powerful, dominant class retain their position over the subordinate lower classes. Section 2 Theory Applied These boys are students of Eton College, an elite British boarding school located at Windsor, in the United Kingdom. Founded more than 600 years ago by King Henry VI, an education at this school is far out of reach for the vast majority of British students due to high fees. Past pupils have enjoyed much influence and control over British society. Sometimes referred to as the chief nurse of Englands statesmen, it has educated countless British political leaders and generations of aristocracy, and is therefore synonymous with the British ruling classes (BBC News, 1998). As earlier outlined, Bourdieus states that habitus is a set of durable dispositions that people carry within them that shapes their attitudes, behaviours and responses to given situations (Webb et al. 2002, p. 114). In order to apply this theory to the image, it is first necessary to make educated assumptions about the background of its subjects. On the basis of the photograph, the evidence suggests that the students pictured are from high income families where much value is placed on education. Logically, it can be assumed that they are of upper-middle class origin. In considering what a socially just education system might look like, Reay identifies the perceived intellectual superiority and elitism, of the upper and middle classes in Britain. She states that the British class system seeps into the soul creating divisions between people (Reay, 2012. p596). With this in mind, it can be suggested that the relaxed students pictured above are quipped with a deeply ingrained habitus conducive to the ideologies of the school. They are relaxed because they were born and bread for a privileged Etonian world. According to Bourdieu, a working class student placed into this environment would be disadvantaged; socially ill-equipped to engage with the values of the institution. Looking at the displayed image, it is not difficult to determine that the subjects are members of a group. This can be ascertained from their attire; a school uniform that appears to be worn with pride. There are notable differences between uniforms worn by the majority of contemporary school students and those that attend Eton College: a top hat and tails. This uniform denotes affluence and privilege. It confirms class difference. Wearing this uniform along with other customs and practices work together to produce and sustain an intangible asset that Bourdieu terms social capital. Social capital, as earlier outlined is conceived as that which binds groups of people together, providing a sense of belonging. Siisiainen identifies that this form of capital can be utilized in efforts to improve the social position of the actors in a variety of different fields (2000, p. 12). The influence social capital can have on an individuals journey through the social hierarchy is considerable. In order to more fully understand the social capital Etonion students harbour, it is necessary to briefly analyse the social context within which the school is found. England is a nation with extreme social inequalities. There are obvious benefits of attending a school like Eton; The best teachers access premium resources to ensure first class provision of education. However, according to Bourdieus theory of social capital, there are further reaching benefits. In attending Eton College, a frame of reference is formed that connects with that of the ruling class. Having educated nineteen British prime-ministers (BBC News, 1998), it is not difficult to hypothesis that there is a link between the value system of the school and those who rule. These boys are bread for power. They are part of a system that is sustained by the reproduction of society. Beordieu theorised that educational institutions act as instruments in the social reproduction of inequality. It is continuously reproduced on the grounds that education systems are saturated with the ideology of the middle class, primarily serving their interests. For this reason, lower class groups are at a further disadvantage within the education system. Reay lends support to this concept stating private schools have been one of the principal means by which elitism and social divisions are produced and perpetuated in England (2012, p591). This is certainly true in relation to the illustration accompanying this assignment. A group of privileged students wear the uniform of an elite educational establishment. High attendance fees ensure its inaccessibility to the lower class in British society. These boys attend an exclusive school that perpetuate advantage for the dominant group in society. They receive a superior education, are likely to attend elite universities and as a result, most likely to secure high income employment. For these students, maintaining their superior position requires little effort. They have the benefit of learning middle class values at home. They have access to higher quality instruction. Privilege and wealth for the elite is continued. (Witty, 2001 p. 290) In concluding the analysis of the illustration, this photograph can be said to very much reinforce the sociological theories of Bourdieu. Visually, judgements of habitus can be drawn form the attire and apparent disposition of the boys. They are at ease in their environment. Contextually, researching past graduates of the school has revealed high levels of social capital; some of the most powerful men in Britain have been educated here. Finally, the reproduction of a social group cannot be denied; this is a facility utilised in the educated of the affluent and elite of British society. The following section of this assignment will draw on these conclusions in an effort to draw on the personal experience of the author as a teaching professional. Personal Reflection Primarily this assignment has been concerned with concepts of sociology within the English education system. Having a number of years experience teaching in British schools, I have observed some of the theories discussed in this assignment. The following paragraphs will briefly delineate some personal observations of the author within the context of habitus. The first year of teaching in the U. K. was spent at a mixed sex, catholic, compressive, secondary school. Here, a high portion of the pupils came from disadvantaged backgrounds. It was common for pupils to speak of a parent in prison, violence in the home or a disdain for schooling. With high levels of truancy and children in receipt of free school meals (Government policy for disadvantage families),producing classwork was not a priority for many students. The working-class habitus of the cohort was not conducive to the middle-class value system of the school. Here, pupils were expected to perform academically in a way that was not expected or valued in the home. Only a small portion of students had faith in the school system or a desire to attend third level institutions. The schooling system was failing them. Conversely, the following years employment was passed at a selective grammar school. To attend this institute, students needed to rank highly in an exam. Pupils were often the second or third generation of their family to be grammar school educated. Standards of academic excellence were expected of all pupils from family, staff and the students themselves. At this school, attitudes of the students contrasted strongly with those of the students at the previous school. Here, at age 11, students would discuss what universities they planned to attend upon graduating from school. Perhaps due to the perceived high standard of educational provision, house prices around the grammar school were far higher than around the comprehensive school. Consequently, living in area was out of reach of working-class families. The cohort of the school was almost exclusively middle class, with few students in receipt of free school meals. The habitus of the pupils attending the institution and the ethos of the school were aligned. Therefore, according to league tables, the school was one of the most successful schools in the North West of England year on year. A portion of its graduates attending redbrick universities annually; habitus and social reproduction in action. Conclusion The aim of this essay has been to discuss sociology within the confines of education. It has examining the role educational institutions play in the development of society. It has introduced the theories of Pierre Bourdieu and focusing on his theories of habitus, social capital and social reproduction. A visual stimulus has been analysed, setting a sociological context through which the theories of Bourdieu were be examined. Based on this analysis, general conclusions were drawn leading to a the personal reflections of the author. Having studied the work of Bourdieu, and the analysing the earlier mentioned picture, the following can be stated: Firstly, students entering a field of education do so equipped with a predefined disposition as a result of the varied influences of their home environment. This may yield advantaged or disadvantaged position depending on the social background of the individual. Secondly, social capital can be obtained in attending institutions considered to be upper-class or exclusive. This can be advantageous in securing social mobility for lower classes or the sustaining of social privilege for the upper-classes. Finally, according to Bourdieu, institutes of education are primarily concerned with the advancement of the dominant class. Consequently, the reproduction of privilege for the advantaged middle class is effortless, while far greater obstacles lie in the path of the working-class. This paper has concluded with brief documentation of some personal experiences of the author. Reflecting upon the social aspects of teaching and the inequalities that exist within the educational system, it has been determined that the theories discussed are highly influential and therefore relevant for further examination.
Friday, March 20, 2020
How Alcohol Affects People essays
How Alcohol Affects People essays According to the survey about 70% of college students consume alcohol every month. How often do you drink? I have some opportunities to drink alcohol, and I have noticed that people react differently to alcohol. The reason is that the rate of alcohol metabolism varies among individuals, and it is largely determined by genetic factor and drinking behavior. Today, I would like to explain how alcohol affects people. First of all, when we take alcohol, about 20% is absorbed from stomach into the bloodstream. About 75% is absorbed through the upper part of intestine. The rate of absorption is affected by various factors. For example, food in the stomach slows the rate of absorption. On the other hand, carbonated beverage like champagne increases the rate of absorption. Secondly, alcohol is transported through the body by the blood. A large amount of alcohol is metabolized in the liver. The rest is metabolized in the stomach. From 2 to 10 % of ingested alcohol is not metabolized, but is excreted by the lungs, kidneys, and sweat glands. Next, I would like to talk about the effects of alcohol consumption. At low doses, alcohol makes people relaxed and causes a release of inhibition and alertness. Even people become more sociable. However, at higher doses, alcohol has negative effects. People more tend to get angry or cry easily and become emotionally instable. People become sleepy, and most sensory function is reduced. Finally, at very high doses, alcohol causes a dangerous circumstance. Most people are completely unable to function physically and psychologically. Usually, coma can happen. Also, alcohol poisoning occurs when people drink a large amount of alcohol in a short period of time. You should avoid rapid and binge drinking and notice how dangerous alcohol poisoning is because it results in not only unconsciousness but also death. In conclusion, we have the different rate of alcohol metabol ...
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
English Vocabulary for Clothing
English Vocabulary for Clothing The words below are some of the most important used when talking about clothes and fashion such as when you go shopping. Words that are used only for women are marked with a w, words that are only used for men are marked with an m. General Clothing Terms and Examples anorak - If youre hiking in cold weather, youll need an anorak.belt - Ive lost weight, so I need a new belt to hold up my trousers.blouse w - Thats such a pretty blouse. I love the checked pattern.cardigan - Put on a cardigan and turn down the heat to save money at home.dress w - Anna wore an elegant red dress to the reception.gloves - I prefer to wear gloves to mittens because my fingers need to be free.jacket - Let me put on a jacket and lets go for a walk.jeans - I only wear jeans on the weekend as I have to wear a business suit during the week.jumper - Thats a cute jumper. Where did you buy it?overalls - Overalls have been out of fashion for a very long time.overcoat - When dressing formal, its best to wear an overcoat.pullover - Im cold, so I need to put on a pullover.raincoat - Raincoats wont keep you warm, but they will keep you dry.scarf - A scarf is a beautiful accessory to add a touch of elegance.shirt - You should wear a dress shirt to work today.sweatshirt - I put on a sw eatshirt and went to the gym to work out. T-shirt - He usually wears a t-shirt to work. Hes a slob.tie - On the west coast people dont usually wear ties. However, ties are quite common on the east coast.skirt w - She wore a skirt and blouse to the job interview.mini-skirt w - Mini-skirts were introduced in the 1960s and were considered very provocative.shorts - Its summer. Why arent you wearing shorts?socks - If you dont wear socks, your feet will stink!suit - Some professions require men to wear a suit to work.sweater - I pulled on the warm sweater and drank a cup of cocoa.trousers - Everyone puts on their trousers one leg at a time. Sportswear jogging suit - Alice got into a jogging suit and ran three miles.tracksuit - In some countries, people like to wear tracksuits when lounging around the house.bikini w - Sports Illustrated features a bikini issue every year. Some think beautiful women in tiny bikinis dont have much to do with sports!swimming costume / swimming-suit w - Get your swimming-suit on and lets go to the beach.swimming trunks m - In the USA, most men wear swimming trunks rather than speedos. Footwear boots - If youre going for a hike, youll need to wear boots.sandals - During the summer, I usually wear sandals on the weekends.slippers - I sometimes like to get in my pajamas, put on my slippers and spend a quiet evening at home.shoes - The heels on my shoes have worn out. I need a new pair.sneakers - Were just getting some groceries, put on your sneakers and lets go. Underwear bra w - Victorias Secret has made the bra into a fashion statement.knickers w - Dont get your knickers twisted!panties w - She bought three pairs of panties with her bra.tights/pantyhose w - My sister doesnt like to wear dresses because she hates pantyhose.boxers m - She thinks boxers look better on men than briefs.briefs m - Briefs are also called tightie whities in idiomatic American English. Hats and Caps beret - Men in France seem to love wearing berets.cap - Americans wear a lot of baseball caps.hat - Men used to wear hats in the 1950s. Everything has changed since then!helmet - Soldiers could be recognized during the war by the type of helmet they wore. Natural Materials cotton - Cotton breathes and is an excellent all-around fabric.denim - Denim is the cloth used to make jeans.leather - Leather jackets are considered quite stylish by some.linen - Linen sheets are very comfortable during hot summer nights.rubber - The souls of boots are often made out of rubber, or rubber-like materials.silk - Silk sheets are considered a luxury in most parts of the world.suede - Dont you step on my blue suede shoes is a line from a famous Elvis Presley song.wool - I prefer to wear a traditional wool coat to keep warm in winter. Artificial Materials plastic - There are many plastic components in todaysporting shoes.nylon - Nylon is used to make rain jackets.polyester - Polyester is often mixed with cotton to make a shirt iron-free. Fashion designer - Designers are often outlandish people.fashion - The latest fashions come from Paris and London.fashion-conscious - Fashion-conscious people spend thousands on clothes every year.trend - I cant keep up with the latest trends.unfashionable - That jacket is quite unfashionable. Patterns checked - The checked shirt is quite popular in Portland.flowered - She likes to wear flowered dresses.patterned - I generally stay away from patterned shirts.plain - I prefer a plain blue shirt.polka-dots or spots - Spotted blouses are fashionable this season.pinstriped - A dark blue pinstriped suit can be very elegant.tartan - The Scottish are known for their tartan clothes.
Monday, February 17, 2020
Depend on the choosen activity and the topic Essay
Depend on the choosen activity and the topic - Essay Example The word ‘learning’ has been defined as â€Å"relatively permanent change in behavior resulting form experience†(Dworetzky, 1994). This essay, therefore, has the purpose of exploring the cognitivist approach of learning by examining its application to a particular learning task. The task chosen is the process of typing the keyboard of a computer. Firstly, an analysis of the types of knowledge required to undertake the chosen activity will be considered and the cognitive theory will be introduced with its main features followed by a discussion of the application of the theory in the process of typing the keyboard of the computer. The strength and weaknesses of the theory will be analyzed after that and the essay will be concluded. There are different steps or processes involved in the act of typing the keyboard of a computer. The person needs to have a plan of what he is going to type; he needs to have appropriate knowledge and skills such as placing the fingers at the right position, the aptitude of typing the material with appropriate speed and accuracy, being seated in a comfortable position in the chair so that he doesn’t strain his back, etc. Declarative knowledge is often described as the content of learning. In other words it caters to the what of the activity being learnt. Knowing a piece of information, that is, a concept, fact, idea or label would be considered to be in this category (Ehren & Gildroy). Knowing the history, characteristics or physical appearance, for example would be included here. Procedural knowledge explains the How of information that tells us rules to follow to accomplish a task (Ehren & Gildroy). In other words, knowing how to perform an action or sequence of actions is procedural knowledge. Conditional knowledge is knowledge about when to use a procedure, skill, or strategy and when not to use it; why a procedure works and under what
Monday, February 3, 2020
Lipstick product ethical analysis Research Paper
Lipstick product ethical analysis - Research Paper Example Since the primary objective of a business is seen as profit-making, these issues are hardly considered despite their harmfulness to either health of environment. For that reason, this paper intends to investigate one of the lipstick products, Maybelline to be precise, and offer recommendations on ways to change the process if need be. Maybelline, like any other product, undergoes a series of stages before it has been disposed including extraction, production, distribution, consumption and eventually disposal. First, the extraction process of Maybelline, just like other lipsticks, starts with the gathering of the necessary materials before the mixing process is initiated. Some of the materials used in the extraction process include the oils, emollients, pigments and waxes. Emollients are responsible for the texture and color that Maybelline comes with. Once the gathering of these materials has taken place, the next stage entails the production of the complete product. Here, all the ingredients are ground before undergoing a heating process after which the already-heated waxes are usually added to the mix. Then, lanolin and other oils are added as per the specifications to the mix. Once this is done, different metal molds are used where this liquid is poured. The last two steps see the chilling and cooling of the l ipsticks in a bid to harden them, and a second heating occurs with an aim to create a shiny appearance whilst removing any imperfections (Monnot et al. p.253). While there are claims that Maybelline is lead-free, there has been no concrete evidence to prove this claim. In fact, it had been noted that many of the red lipsticks contain a significant amount of lead with a US consumer group reporting that 60% of the lipsticks that were tested in 2007 had higher levels of lead than the ones allowed (Lemaire p.2265). Also, Maybelline lipstick was among the top ten lipsticks containing a
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Implementing a Personal Development Plan
Implementing a Personal Development Plan Personal and professional skills are very essential to achieve strategic goals. Manager can perform his responsibilities and duties properly by using these skills. It is the process that is designed to enable the readers to take responsibility for their learning and development needs to meet personal, professional as well as organizational goals and objectives. We can achieve this by analyzing and defining current skills, as well as and preparing and implementing personal development plans. Personal and professional skills help the learner to be competent in the competitive business world and sustain as a skilled professional. This will also help the learner to adopt the necessary skills and developments need to perform is duties effectively. So it is the responsibilities of the managers need to develop their personal and professional improvements plan to achieve new knowledge and experiences so that they can cope with the competitive and changing business world. What is a Skill Audit? There are variety of skills which are not only important to learning in higher education and academic career but also to our personal development and professional career. The following skills audit has been prepared to assist to identify the strengths, weaknesses and scope of for development in various skills areas that will help the learner to be a skilled professional in his career. Conducting a skill audit Skill area/ scope I can perform this in well manner yes , but I need more practice to do I canà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢t perform this well manner Priority development of this skill 1 = very important, 2 = quite important, 3 = not important Organization of learning I have the strategies to help me to plan and arrange my time 1 I am able to properly priorities my works and activities 2 I am able to perform work to in time Information searching skill I am always able to find a definite book or journal in the bookstore/ library using the on-line catalogue system I am able to use a different sources to find information and various data related to my studies (e.g. journals. books, electronic resources) I am able to use finding gateways on the net to find information and data Studying and note making I can decide which source of a book I need to study I have a procedures for recording where I find data (e.g. book, author, date) IT sector I am able to use various word processing software package to do my assignments and reports I can use many different types computer software (e.g. Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Access and so on ) Stress Management I know well what creates stress I am able to understand of my personal markings or symptom of stress I can use various strategies to assist me deal with stress Personal and professional Development Plan I am always able to identify my personal goals and targets I am always able to plan for my personal development and professional Development Plan Personal and Professional Skills Counseling It is counseling which has become a popular and familiar ways of offering advice and assisting the staff development. It can be included assistance with the new projects and ventures, as well as providing general advice. There are two general ways: the two ways are described below; Directive counseling: Directive counseling involves the ways in which we taking initiative and actually providing various suggesting methods and solutions. The most possible outcome of different courses of action is ranged and a variety of action can be taken as a measures. Indirect counseling: Indirect counseling involves the ways that only the counselee is capable of defining and managing rightly his or her difficulties and problems and that are the most promotive way of finding to the core of a difficulty which is essential to encourage the other party to discuss the matter at a length of duration.. Management Skills It is very essential to gain skills in three different areas to be an effective and efficient manager, which are: task execution, commercial insight and People skills. Commercial Insight Commercial Insight is a set of skills that emphasizes managers efficiency and properly and, in the case of private sector managers, profitability or return on investment. Managers often use strategic knowledge to ensure that they do the accurate task, which will help to profitability and achievement of corporate goals and objectives. Management versus leadership quality Managers are the main authority of a corporation who occupy important positions of firms. Management of the firm is his responsibilities. On the other hand, leadership is an occasional task, such as creativity. It is not like a role. Managers often show leadership when they bring change in an organization but it is the duty of all employees to advocate a change in direction. Skills required for Effective Management and leadership quality For management and for better result there is very essential for being effective and efficient management. Without this an organization cannot reach its ultimate target. So for getting better result the following Management and leadership skills are very essential. Management Skills It is essential to have skills in three different areas to be a good and effective manager. The three areas include task execution and commercial insight as well as people skills. Some manager may have one or two of these qualities but it is very essential to have the three areas for being a good and effective manager. Observation Observation is very important which can help a manager to observe his fellow people in a right manner. Manger needs to observe the activities of the fellow personal to see whether they perform their task or not. Monitoring Employee Performance It is very essential to monitor employee performance in mutually accepted methods. All Policies and procedures that are set need to be clear and prudent. If the performance of employees is monitored on a regular basis they can surely do better. Implementing Professional Development Programs A good leader is one who can identify the strength and weakness of the fellow people and arrange development programs to improve their condition. Good Decision Making A good leader is one who can make wise and good decision. Without making good decision it is not possible for a leader to perform his duties properly. A good leader needs to consider all the inside and outside factors before making a decision. Ways to improve personal and professional Skills We may have brilliant ideas and you may have work hard. But these will not work well if we fail to connect with the people work around your side. If you fail to do it is sure that you will damage your professional career.You are viewing page 1 Bottom of Form There are ten helpful ways that help to improve personal skills in a man: Smile. One can manage people very easily simply by smiling. So it is very urgent to maintain smile in all the ways of our professional life. Always be appreciative. Always try to be generous with praise and kind words. When people help you it is essential to thank them. Always be attentive. It is very important to be attentive when someone talks to us. Practice active listening. One can improve his qualities by regular basis practice on listening. Bring people together. It is very urgent to Treat everyone equally and same manner. We need to listen carefully and value what people say. Resolve possible conflicts. If there any conflict arises it is very important to resolve the conflict between the parties so that no further conflicts arise. Communicate clearly. Always clear and effective communication is required to avoid misunderstandings among coworkers, colleagues, as well as associates. Humor. Always try not to be afraid to be funny or cunning. See from other side. Always try to consider from the other side. This will help you to perform your duties properly. Dont complain. It is very essential not to complain against other. Personal SWOT analysis (an example of mine) My SWOT analysis is as follows. Key Strengths Im very enthusiastic. I can communicate in good manner with my fellow people. I have the ability to questions to find just the right professional angle. Im very committed to success. Key Weaknesses I always take more times to decide any decision which sometimes lengthen my projects. This sort of quality always faces me at a stress when I have too many works. Key Opportunities Im going to arrange a seminar for developing career which will help me to expand my capacity. The markets are expanding widely. As a result there is huge capacity for us to capture the market. Possible threats One of my co-workers Mr. Ajman is more fluent than me and he is always thinking him as my competitors. Because there are great shortage of employees, so a huge work load has fallen on me which will damage my capacity The current economic condition is not well. Personal development planning It is Personal development planning which is the process by which we can improve our ability in education, learning and career. The personal development planning can work in the following ways; Stage 1 Profiling Ourselves It is the first point for our individual professional development plan and should include the ways in which we can set our Personal development planning Stage 2 Define the Strategy The second step of personal development is defining the strategy. We have to make the strategy which can focus the maximum areas of the impact so this can meet both our personal and professional needs to achieve our objectives. Stage 3 à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ Improve an Action Plan The next step of personal development plan is developing an action plan. An effective action plan has some elements which are given below: A clear statement of the goal to be achieved The actions required to achieve the goal The target timescale for achieving the goal Criteria to assess when we have reached our goal Stage 4 Learning methods There are many ways to divide the learning styles and procedures, but the easiest ways is the one of the following ways: Visual ways à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ visual learning is the ways in which learners can read books, magazine and internet. Auditory this is the ways which is similar to hearing. Dialogue and discussion is essential in this ways Stage 5 Evaluation and Reflection The last step of personal development plan is evaluation and reflection. This step is similar to the ways in which we evaluate what we learn from the development plan as described above. Conclusion Form the above discussion and analysis we can be concluded that developing personal and professional skill is not single time task but it is a continuous and ongoing process because working environment and essential job skills are changing very rapidly. Professional development is not a new concept, but it is becoming increasingly important. Personal and professional development is very essential to sustain in the competitive business world. Everything in business world is changing rapidly. So to perform the task it is mandatory to develop ourselves. We have entered the knowledge-based economy. Thus it very important and essential task for all level of managers to evaluate their personal and professional skill on a continuous basis through skill audit and personal development plan as well as to take necessary actions to do better and cope with the changing situation.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Impact of Tourism Industry to the Environment Essay
Introduction The tourism industry can pose a threat to the environment, if changes made to it are not sustainable and are irreversible. This paper is entitled â€Å"Impact of the tourism Industry to the Environment: A Philippine Situation.†The researchers want to discuss how the tourism industry can pose a threat to the environment regarding to the changes made, whether it is not sustainable and irreversible. The researchers chose to do this paper in order to complete the major requirement of Comski 2. Second, to apply their knowledge on what they’ve learned from the study of research. Third, to apply their learning on APA. Hopefully, this paper will serve as reference guide for the upcoming tourism students to develop their writing skills and love for reading. This research paper will help the students to have a better understanding on how the tourism industry can pose a threat to the environment when a not sustainable and irreversible change have made. According to It’s Mo re Fun in the Philippines website, the Philippines is the third largest English speaking country in the world. It has a rich history combining Asian, European, and American influences. Prior to Spanish colonization in 1521, the Filipinos had a rich culture and were trading with the Chinese and the Japanese. Spain’s colonization brought about the construction of Intramuros in 1571, a â€Å"Walled City†comprised of European buildings and churches, replicated in different parts of the archipelago. In 1898, after 350 years and 300 rebellions, the Filipinos, with leaders like Jose Rizal and Emilio Aguinaldo, succeeded in winning their independence. In 1898, the Philippines became the first and only colony of the United States. Following the Philippine-American War, the United States brought widespread education to the islands. Filipinos fought alongside Americans during World War II, particularly at the famous battle of Bataan and Corregidor which delayed Japanese advance and saved Australia. They then waged guerilla war against the Japanese from 1941 to 1945. The Philippines regained its independence in 1946. Filipinos are a freedom-loving people, hav ing waged two peaceful, bloodless revolutions against what were perceived as corrupt regimes. Read more: It’s More Fun in the Philippines Food The Philippines is a vibrant democracy, as evidenced by 12 English national newspapers, 7 national television stations, hundreds of cable TV stations, and 2,000 radio stations. Filipinos are a fun-loving people. Throughout the islands, there are fiestas celebrated everyday and foreign guests are always welcome to their homes. According to Tourism Research and Statistics Division, visitor arrivals in 2013 totaled to 4,681,307 surpassing the previous year’s record of 4,272,811 by 9.56%. This feat gives the tourism industry a new milestone as tourists continue to demonstrate sustained growth amidst challenges. During the year, visitor count reached an all time high of more than 400,000 during the months of January, February, March, July and December. The highest growth rate, on the other hand, were recorded in February (15.8%), June (14.0%) and August (13.0%). Koreans remain the biggest source market with 24.9% share to total inbound visitors for 1.17 million arrivals. This market continued to sustain growth at 13% by year-end. The successful conclusion of air services agreement in this market has contributed to increase in flight frequencies in key international gateways. Chinese tourists have bounced back with year-end growth of 69.9% for a total visitor arrival of 426,352. This volume surpassed the revised target for China of 260,000 set at the beginning of the year. The substantial increase in Chinese visitors was first felt in May when arrival posted 107.7% growth. For the past eight months, growth was steady at more than 100% to double digit. Accordingly, Chinese visitor share to total inbound expanded from 5.9% in 2012 to 9.1% in 2013. Japanese visitors continued to rise steadily with 433,705 arrivals for 5.1% growth. The implementation of new programs and introduction of new products targeting new and niche markets have revitalized the growth in this market. Remaining as the third biggest source market, Japan accounted for 9.2% share to total visitors. Australians and Singaporeans have already surpassed the Taiwanese as the fourth and fifth source of visitor arrivals. These markets posted 11.4%and 18.0%, respectively. These markets demonstrated slow but consistent expansion from seventh and eight ranks during the year. Visitors from the United States of America (USA) contributed the second biggest arrivals at 674,564 for a share of 14.4%. Other countries that contributed substantially are Taiwan with 139,099 arrivals, Canada with 131,381 arrivals, Hongkong with 126,008 arrivals, and United Kingdom with 122,759 arrivals, Malaysia with 109,437 arrivals and Germany with 70,949 arrivals. Moreover, the following markets generated noteworthy gains: Saudi Arabia (+29.7%) with 38,969 arrivals, Vietnam (+27.8%) with 26,599 arrivals, Russian Federation (+25.2%) with 35,404 arrivals, Indonesia (+24.5%) with 45,582 arrivals, United Arab Emirates (+19.5%) with 15,155 arrivals, Thailand (+16.8%) with 47,874 arrivals, France (+15.8%) with 39,042 arrivals and India (+12.5%) with 52,206 arrivals. By regional grouping, the East Asia region continued to contribute the biggest arrivals for share of 49.1% with 2,298,597. The region posted a double-digit gain of 12.73% vis-à -vis its previous year’s contribution of 2,038,987 arrivals. The ASEAN region maintained its position as the third largest contributor of arrivals by region, accounting for 9.02% of the overall traffic base. This region posted an increase of 12.49%, from its output of 375,190 in 2012. Total revenues gained from inbound visitors for the year was estimated at US$4.40 billion, equivalent to Php 186.15 billion, up by 15.1%. The overall average length of stay of visitors in 2013 remained at 9.6 nights. Foreign visitors stayed for an average of 9.4 nights while Overseas Filipinos stayed an average of 18.8 nights. Average daily expenditure of inbound tourists during the year increased by 8.7% to US$101.12 from the US$ 92.99 recorded in 2012. Koreans showed biggest spent at US$140.81 per day while visitors from the United States have the longest stay at 13.4 nights. On the other hand, based on per capita spending of the Philippines’ top markets, visitors from Canada recorded the biggest spent at US$1,393.68. It was followed by visitors from Australia with a per capita expenditure of US$1,382.48. Other high spending markets include: Germany with US$1,360.34, U.S.A. with US$ 1,334.34, United Kingdom with US$1,306.86 and Korea with US$ 874.59. Statement of the Problem The study shall focus on how tourism industry can pose a threat to the environment, if changes made to it are not sustainable and irreversible. This research paper will also answer the following questions: 1. Do you think that most of the changes in our environment are caused by the development in our tourism industry? 2. What are the major changes that happened in our country’s environment due to our own tourism industry? 3. Do you think that the policies made by the government to address environmental problems which resulted from the tourism efforts are effective? 4. Has the government made efforts to make our environment sustainable to cater to the demands of the blooming tourism industry? 5. How does the country respond to the growing problems we experience in terms of our environment and its impact to the tourism industry? Scope and Limitations This study shall only focus on how tourism industry can pose a threat to the environment, if changes made are not sustainable or irreversible. However, this study shall not focus on other aspects that are not related to the topic to be discussed. Methodology The researchers chose the topic how the tourism industry can pose a threat to the environment, if changes are made to it not sustainable and irreversible. The researchers made a research interview with an expert in order to answer the research questions being made. The research instruments used were the primary references from the Learning Resource Centre in College Department composed mainly of books and some internet sites that gave information related to the topic. First, the data was gathered by listing the title and author of the book. Second, the researchers browsed some articles and internet sites that can help them to answer some requirements needed in order to complete their paper. The plan used by the researchers in their data analysis started from the choice of topic to be analyzed, formulation of thesis statement, outline, statement of the problem and first draft. Browsing some background and other related information helped the researchers in creating note cards. The researchers, through their interest on the chosen topic, were able to formulate a research problem, and a couple of research questions. The researchers gathered information led them to the conclusion. Presentation and Data Analysis To complete this study, it is necessary to analyze the data collected in order to answer the research questions. As already indicated in the preceding parts, data are interpreted in a descriptive form. This part comprises the presentation, analysis, and interpretation of the findings resulting from this study. Presentation of Data This study presented how does tourism industry can pose a threat to the environment, if changes are made are not sustainable and irreversible. The research questions formulated by the researcher will be answered using the interpretations of the gathered data. General Overview According to Eturbonews website, the Philippines have the total land area of 30 million hectares; where the 15.8 million is composed of tropical forests. Spread throughout the 7,107 islands of the archipelago, these are home to a recorded 556 species of birds, 180 mammals, and 293 of reptiles and amphibians, as well as a vast variety of trees, plants and flowers. Scientists have confirmed that, in the aggregate, 67 percent of the aforementioned fauna and flora are endemic in the Philippines. Every year, moreover, more new species are being discovered in the Philippines than in any other country. But as the Philippines’ population continues to grow, so have its forests shrunk. In 1934, when the population was a mere 15 million, 17 million hectares were under forest cover. By 1960, the population had doubled and forests were down to only 10.4 million hectares. Since then, due largely to illegal logging and slash-and-burn farming and despite government and private sector efforts to curb them, the annual deforestation rate has been at 2 percent. These gathered data came from a research interview conducted by the researcher to an expert. The expert who has been interviewed was Ms. Joreen Rocamora a Domestic Tourism teacher. Changes Caused by the Tourism Industry According to Ms. Rocamora, not all of the changes in the environment are caused by the development of the tourism industry. For her, these changes in the environment are mostly coming from people. It is not only coming from the tourism development but also coming from avarices, apathy and arrogance of the people. When they seek for more, when they would want to get more from the environment whether it is coming from the industry of engineering and manufacturing, if one is seeking more from it then, definitely our environment would changed negatively. Second apathy, when one is indifferent, he or she does not care about the lives of other people especially on how they lived. Environmental awareness will just throw away all of those things and one can harm the environment if we do not think other people especially the future generation, whether it is coming from the tourism industry, engineering or manufacturing or any other industry like agriculture, it could also harm the environment . It is not coming mainly from the tourism industry; that’s why there is eco-tourism. Eco-tourism is low impact tourism, there is no need for us to develop the area, we just need to maintain, sustain and preserved what we have in the community. There’s no need for a lot of visitors to occupy the said area. Tourism development, yes it is one of the reason if we do not minimize the negative impacts of development in our country, particularly in a certain destination. If we maximize all the positive impacts definitely it will not harm the environment. For example when we have new hotels, if they use solar for their power, if they use organic materials, if they use biodegradable and even reuse water to cover the field and even the golf courses for watering the golf courses; when you say tourism development you also pertain to practices and management systems. For example, corporate social responsibility wherein hotels their management reach out to the community to help them and to clean up, to have coastal cleanup, do tree planting. Travel agencies, when we have travel agencies, they also have green movement program wherein they lessen the use of papers and they create packages that would include tree planting activity, coastal cleanup, volunteer tourism. It means that even if we have to develop certain areas, we can still minimize negative impacts and be able to reach out to the environment and to the community. We give back to the environment and to the community by providing job opportunities. The interview only states that most of the changes made to the environment came not only in tourism industry but also in other industries whether it is sustainable or irreversible. People can be considered as one of those who make changes to the environment due to its apathy and arrogance. They can also be the one to make some necessary action s in order to preserve the natural resources our country have. Major Changes Happened in the Country’s Environment from Tourism Industry Positively we have a lot of developments in our country in the environment like La Mesa Eco-park, the rehabilitation of the eco- park because of tourism industry, because of the local government unit and the commission on the parks they are able to create such programs that give livelihood, opportunities and rehabilitate La Mesa Eco-park, Pasig River is also being restored. We also have several restorations of parks wherein they offer packages like a guided tour with the use of eco-friendly materials. When you say major change, I can say in the environment it is a major change that happened in our country it has rehabilitated and it has sustained our country’s premiere disappearing natural destinations. All in all, most of the changes made to the environment came from tourism industry due to eco-tourism wherein people sustained, maintained and preserved the beauty of natural resources. Due to eco-tourism there are a lot of parks and water forms being rehabilitated. That’s why it can be considered as one of the major changes made by the tourism industry to the country’s environment. Environmental Policies We have one, the latest is â€Å"Bangon Pilipinas†, and it is a program coming from the Department of Tourism wherein the aim is to help the Samar and Leyte and even the Bohol who were affected by the recent typhoon â€Å"Yolanda†and the earthquake. Most of the proceeds from the packaged tours are given to the community and to the people from Samar, Leyte and Bohol. Some examples of the environmental policies are no smoking in some areas, the use of eco-bag. There are laws and environmental programs coming from the government like no to mining, no to dynamite fishing and the no to killing of whales, now they are preserving this extinct whale sharks and no to killing of primates like tarsier and other indigenous animals. When we say environment were not only talking about plants, we have the flora and faunas, ecosystem, marine rich diversity that’s part of the environment. According to Eturbonews website, an article entitled â€Å"The Philippine Environment and its Eco tourism Potential†states some related topics to environmental policies of the country. Thence, in tune with recent global awakening, aided by mainstream media coverage of environmental issues, and adopting new approaches and strategies toward saving the planet for posterity, Philippine government agencies and the private sector have been working closely to focus broader attention on a source of great pride for the Filipino nation, the country’s abundant wealth of endemic species and the precipitous rate at which these species are decreasing and disappearing. Efforts Made by the Government Yes, Loren Legarda, one of our senators is one of the advocates for environmental programs. She is really pursuing this kind of efforts from the senate. We also have Commissioner Nyem, he is the one who argues to the House of Representatives, he is also the representative to the United Nations World Tourism Organization in the environment. He is the one who made campaign for environmental programs. Yes, they’re creating efforts with regards to, especially, not only coming from the tourism development, as what I have said when we say development it means we are able to develop one area using recycled materials, reusable, like E-jeepney, solar energy, so we can balanced the positive and negative effects. It doesn’t mean that when we develop a certain area the environment would be destructed. Not all changes made in the environment can produce negative effects. In developing environment we have eco-tourism so it doesn’t need to develop, because when it comes to eco-tourism it’s about sustaining the environment. When we say development it is too broad, we can give opportunity. Development is not only about infrastructure, it is not only amenities, it is not only widening of loads. When we say development we can also provide employment other people which can help them earn money and increase their standard of living. Filipinos Respond to the Environmental Problems Our country’s ways to respond to problems are by means of policies. As what I’ve said, the environmental laws, the practices that they are implementing, coordination should be present when the policies are executed; those are the tourism planning and development in our country. Part of our strategic directions for national tourism development plan is developing and sustaining the destinations we have. One of the ways our country is responding to the problems in the environment is by assigning zones called the T.E.Z which stands for Tourism Enterprise Zones, and are the only ones allowed for further development. Other parts not included in the T.E.Z. are not permissible for development because they should just sustain, preserve and maintain it. The most important thing is it should start from us because we are one of those that contributed to the suffering we endure from climate change and global warming. The reason behind the sudden changes in our environment is that it can also come from our own action. We should not be dependent to our government in making plans for the future of our environment. We should have the initiative to do our part even if it will be just in small scale. As strategic directions of the DOT, he said there is a need to develop and market competitive tourist products and destinations; improve market access connectivity and destination infrastructure; and improve tourism governance and human resources. He lamented that the DOT’s budget of $10 million (P423 million) for marketing and promotions has not changed in the past five years, compared to neighboring countries such as Malaysia with $80 million and Thailand with $75 million. With this, he said the DOT will ask the Department of Budget for an additional P5 million in their budget. In a statement, Tourism Secretary Ramon Jimenez said that climate change will become an increasingly pivotal issue affecting tourism development and management. â€Å"The global tourism industry has been marked by changes as a result of the impacts of climate change on tourism destinations, tourist demand, and creation of policy and management responses adopted by key stakeholder groups with respect to adaptation and mitigation,†Jimenez said. Keep tourism industry a float. Commissioner Heherson Alvarez of the Climate Change Commission said that while tourism industry is a contributor to climate change by generating greenhouse gas emissions through reliance on cars, buses, especially air travel, as well as high levels of energy consumption such as air-conditioning, heating and lighting, viable and sustainable solutions need to be considered. â€Å"We are living on dangerous but challenging times. To curb greenhouse gas emissions and reliance on carbon-heavy energy, we must scale-up the use of renewable energy sources such as biomass, solar, micro-hydro and wind as they are abundant and ecologically sound alternative to fossil fuels,†Alvarez said, adding that the highly populated Philippines is vulnerable because of its relatively low capacity to adapt to the climate crisis. Alvarez further said that tourism has a huge potential to alleviate poverty and spur economic growth â€Å"so it is urgent that the industr y makes it sustainable and disaster-resilient.†â€Å"DOT’s programs are greatly threatened by climate change. We need to keep the tourism industry afloat as it is a matter of national survival,†Alvarez stressed. Legazpi Mayor Geraldine Rosal, on the other hand, said that with the recent calamity that hit Metro Manila and various parts of the country, there is a need for coping mechanism to be able to adapt to climate change and disastrous effects. â€Å"We need to promote now more than ever the bottom-up approach or the learning by doing approach to address the pressing problems confronting us now not only in the eco-cultural tourism sector but in all vertical and cross sectors of society,†Rosal said. The non-government organization Local Climate Change Adaptation for Development (LCCAD) headed by its President and Chairman Nong Rangasa said that the 1st tourism and climate change conference attended by local officials, business sector and tourism officers aims to enhance the level of understanding of those with the tourism industry on how climate variability and extremes could affect development. â€Å"This conference was designed to showcase, demonstrate and translate effective and efficient implementation of science-based analysis for climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction measures,†Rangasa said. Recommendations For the improvement of the study, the researchers would like to recommend the following: 1.This researched paper is suggested to the future researchers to give them more insights about the topic. 2.It is also advised that more resource materials be used to broaden the study. 3.Choose a topic that they can easily understand and they must also have interest in it. 4.Give citation on every resource used to avoid plagiarism. 5.Follow the steps in making a research paper. 6.Lastly, it is recommended to develop the study in a longer period of time in order to acquire more information about the topic.
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